Legal Answering Service

A woman providing virtual receptionist services to a law practice.

Whether you practice personal injury law or family law, attorneys receive numerous phone calls everyday and answering every call can take up your whole day if you let it. Thankfully our legal answering service can help screen calls, streamline client intake, & with appointment scheduling. Let our team of professionals answer calls while you focus on more important work.

Benefits of Legal Answering Services

Customized Live Support

Having a live person representing your company is much better than a preprogrammed voicemail and provides higher quality customer service to your clients. A legal answering service also provides more customized support since a live person can actually understand your customers individual needs rather that simply providing predefined options.

After Hours Answering Service

Phone calls are unpredictable and can come at anytime. Our law firm answering service is available after hours to field incoming calls and schedule appointments for you. Whether you need support 24/7 or just when your office staff leave for the weekend or holidays, our legal answering service can help you.

Save Time and Money

Don’t waste valuable time fielding tedious phone calls when you could complete more billable hours. Our team will help answer phone calls, schedule appointments for showings, and take lease applications by phone. Our team will eliminate the hassle of having an expensive in house receptionist.

A women working for a legal answering service taking care of client intake and scheduling appointments.

Frequently asked questions

Do you use live phone operators?

Yes, we use live phone operators at all times for our legal answering service. Your customers will never be directed to an automated voicemail. No more losing potential clients to missed calls!

A woman providing a legal virtual receptionist service for legal clients.

Do your offer answering services in foreign languages?

Yes, ICS Medical Answering Service offers several languages for our virtual receptionist service and have several bilingual receptionists on staff. Our most common foreign language offering is in Spanish.

How do I get my messages?

After answering calls our team can log the information in your CRM or other software of your choice. Our team can work with a number of different software systems.

Does your law firm need an answering service?

The ICS Medical Answering team is here to help. Our experienced team provides top notch professional customer service for numerous firms like yours. If you’re ready to get started call us or submit a contact form and our team will reach out.